Companion Planting with Eggplant / Aubergine

  • Good Neighbours
  • Helps: 
    • Beans and peppers
  • Helped by
    • Marigolds deter nematodes, 
    • Mint, 
    • Tarragon
  • Attracts
  • Repels/ distracts
  • Bad / Not nice companions

General information
Scientific name: Solanum melongena

Part of the Nightshade family : Related to  Peppers, Potatoes and  Tomatoes

Susceptible to early and light blight - builds up in the soil and gets worse every year.  Once a member of the family is planted leave the ground fellow for three years afterwards. Thus the blight problem is negated.

Members of the nightshade family [ Peppers, potatoes and tomatoes] and walnuts do not like each other.  The walnut produces an allelopathic chemical called juglone that inhabits the growth of all members of the nightshade family
