General information about catnip

Also known as Catswort and Catmint
A perienial plant of the Lamiaceae  family - inclused mint.
There are two varieties that I have grown.

  • Nepeta cataria and
  • Nepeta citriodora [ lemon catnip]

Part of the mint family and thus a member of the Nightshades.
Some may be sensitive to the effects where other just have no reaction.
Catmint in flower.... protected by a
 tyre after the cats got to it 
Basically [ especially with cats] there are two ways of experiencing the effects.

  • An olfactory one.  The essential oils travel through the nose membranes reaching the area of the brain stimulated by "happy" pheromones and the cat goes wild.
  • When eaten the effect is a mellowing one

  • Freshness
    • The old story of fresh is best ~ especially with Catnip as catnip is known to loose it's potency over time. When used in repellents the time frame is only a few ours of effective use.
  • Uses
    • The concentrated nepetalactone within the catnip is a repellent.
      • 10 times more powerful than DEET if the essential oil has been steam  distilled. Use as a spray.  Not as effective when applied to the skin.
      • Mosquito repellent
      • Japanese Beetle spray.
      • Fly spray.
      • Termite repellent.
        • needs to be applied to soil where termites are to be an effective deterrent to termite tunneling  [ 1]
    • Relaxant for both humans and cats.
    • Calming effect similar to chamomile.
    • May also be used for a sedative effect.

